Signal Mountain, TN Reviews

3 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Signal Mountain

Signal Mountain is a small town located in Tennessee, situated on top of Walden's Ridge and surrounded by beautiful mountain views. In recent years, it has become a popular location for families looking to settle down and enjoy a peaceful lifestyle while still being close to the city of Chattanooga. With a population of just over 8,000 residents, Signal Mountain offers a tight-knit community and a variety of outdoor activities. Let's take a look at what some users have to say about living in this particular place.

According to user "Kathy" on, "Signal Mountain is a wonderful place to live! The town has a strong sense of community and is filled with friendly and welcoming people." She goes on to praise the town's natural beauty and the many opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as hiking, biking, and boating.

"John" also shares his positive experience, saying, "I've been living in Signal Mountain for over 20 years and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. The schools are top-notch, the people are friendly, and the scenery is breathtaking." He also mentions the town's low crime rate and the abundance of local businesses that support the community.

In contrast, "Samantha" offers a different perspective, stating, "I've lived in Signal Mountain for a year and I've found it to be quite isolating. The town is very small and everyone seems to know each other, which can be difficult for newcomers. Also, the cost of living is quite high compared to other areas in Tennessee."

On the other hand, "Mike" shares his experience living in Signal Mountain as a retiree, saying, "This town is perfect for retirement. It's peaceful, safe, and there are plenty of activities to keep me active. I also appreciate the strong sense of community here." He also mentions the town's close proximity to Chattanooga, where he can easily access amenities and entertainment options.

In summary, many users have positive things to say about living in Signal Mountain, Tennessee. The town's strong sense of community, beautiful scenery, and proximity to outdoor activities are commonly praised. However, some do mention the higher cost of living and potential isolation for newcomers. Overall, it seems that Signal Mountain offers a unique and charming lifestyle for those looking for a small-town feel with easy access to larger cities.

 based on 3 Reviews
Get to know Signal Mountain with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Signal Mountain

Mayberry in a way - 12/9/2020
Safe, totally non diverse though (99% white), schools are ok but most people here use private schools anyway which tells you that this is an exclusive place in general to live. Not cheap. Read More

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Still a Great Place After 21 Years - 10/1/2012
We have had a great experience in Signal Mountain, people have been very polite and not nosy at all. The air is clean, there is an extremely low crime rate. Summers are cool because we are at a higher elevation and winters sometimes include snow up where even when there is no snow in the valley. The one problem we have had is litter along the roadside. Nobody wants to help pick it up, so it just accumulates until we go out and pick it up along our road. And there is only one grocery store here on the mountain, although there are more than 10,000 residents (including the town of Read More

Signal Mountain - 11/14/2011
Very nice community on top of Walden's Ridge. Approximately 7,500 people living in both small village/country-side environment. Excellent schools - elementary through HS. Friendly community with essentially no crime.

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